I was just viewing a snippet of a documentary about a
“religious” subject and the priests in this documentary talked about suffering
and how it is necessary. As I watched, I
was prompted to stop watching and write this information from my guides,
angels, and connection with God. It is
to share with others that suffering is NOT necessary and that is has been a
blocking tool used by man and church for centuries. This is the guided message
that came to me from Source/God energy to share with you and help you
understand. This information is of positive intent and positive growth. It is
for you to take with a grain of salt and mull over in your own heart and soul.
“Suffering is mentioned to many times in belief, getting
closer to God, being righteous or holy. Suffering is NOT what God wants for us
as the human experience. This suffering has been put there by the church and
the system of religion to have people believe that salvation or saving can only
come through the church or those who work in it. This is not true. God is
everywhere and everything”
Suffering has been said to be a necessity and it helps to
build a better you. This is true to an extent but it is not the only way to
learn or grow. In church, the priests take vows of chastity and obedience where
the nuns take vows of chastity, poverty, obedience. They say it is so they can
mimic the life of Jesus Christ and be as of him. The thing is, in recent times,
explorers have learned that Jesus had a wife and children and did work for a
living. He had money – He had sex – He had a family. But in all his teachings,
where does it say to take these vows to get closer to God or your Divine
Connection? Where did he say that people had to suffer to find or achieve this
Understand this is just one story of one person who taught
about becoming enlightened and closer to the Divine Source or God. I can go on
and write about Siddhartha Guatama or who we know as Buddha. Even he learned
that it was not about physical austerities,( n.
pl. aus·ter·i·ties 1. The quality of being austere.2.
Severe and rigid economy: 3. An austere habit or practice,) it
was about finding a balance within yourself, having a balance with the
enlightenment, not about suffering.
“With this belief, this has become a challenge for many to
overcome. It is a teaching handed down and can also be coded in the DNA or
Cellular make up of you and your lineage. Example; suffering has been a long
standing issue for many light workers, intuitives, herbalist, alternative
medicine or spiritual techniques. Throughout history, those who chose to follow
what they felt was right or was their God guided path, carried this
“understanding” of these vows, thinking that if they are doing God’s work,
working with god light energy healing, working with angels, spiritual work,
that they subconsciously or sometimes consciously, carry these vows of poverty
and obedience. This is why these people struggle today since it is an energy
that they carry with them from past lives and/or in the Ancestral DNA. It’s
time to denounce these vows and to live life to the fullest without suffering”
“Take a moment to connect with your past self, find where
you took these vows in different life times, and denounce these vows and take
back what you gave up. It’s time to let that energy go so you can be free of
the chains of suffering and flow with the God Universal energy to help create a
loving balanced Earth. No more suffering, no more!”
“Thank you for listening and passing on the message. Together
we will build a better life. Love to all”