Friday, July 26, 2013

Natural Remedies for Fibroids

This was a post from my Facebook page posted by Ema's Herbs. She has such valuable information. 

In herbalism fibroids are seen as a symptom, not a disease. So, rather than treating the symptoms - in this case fibroids - my goal is to address the underlying cause and tissue imbalance so that fibroids can resolve on their own.

From a western herbalist’s perspective fibroids can be caused by pelvic stagnation and poor liver function. To cleanse the liver use Liver Cleanse Tea:

Women with uterine fibroids may have estrogen dominance, which can be caused by environmental toxicities as well as endocrine disruption and poor pituitary gland function. Pituitary Tea will help to balance your hormones:

Insulin resistance may also play a role.

If you fancy yourself an herbalist (which can be fun, educational and puts you in more control) and you pick the herbs you want to use, make sure that you use them immediately.

You can also buy dried herbs or dry them yourself using a tightly sealed ceramic or glass container which will help to preserve the freshness of the herbs. Discard dried herbs after one year unless they are roots, some berries or bark which will generally last longer than leaves.
Only use organic ingredients.

Herbs to shrink tumors include;
Sequoia Buds
Chasteberry, etc

Herbs to reduce heavy bleeding include;
Wild yam
Lady’s mantle
Cramp bark
Red raspberry
Shepherd’s purse, etc

Herbs to balance hormones include;
Siberian ginseng
Wild yam
Nettles, etc

Natural Remedies for Bug Bites

Summer is a wonderful time for communing with nature -- and with all the bugs, plants and itchy critters nature has to offer. Don't let those spoil your warm sunny days! Ever the master of fast fixes using products you already have lying around your house, Joey Green's new book, Magic Health Remedies: 1,363 Quick-and-Easy Cures Using Everyday Brand-Name Products, has some solutions for you.
Here's how he recommends overcoming the worst of summer's bug bites and plant-induced rashes.
 The Editors of Rodale News
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
posted on yahoo heatlh
Corn Starch and Apple Cider
Mix one teaspoon Kingsford's corn starch with enough Heinz apple cider vinegar to make a thick paste, and apply it over an insect bite. The cornstarch sucks out venom from the bite, and the vinegar soothes the burning itch.

Apple Cider Vinegar
To soothe a rash from poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac, mix equal parts Heinz apple cider vinegar and cold water in a trigger spray bottle, and mist the rash with the tangy solution.

Witch Hazel
A few drops of Dickinson's witch hazel applied with a cotton ball to an insect bite or sting instantly relieves the pain. Witch hazel is an astringent.

Vanilla Extract
To repel mosquitoes, mix two teaspoons McCormick pure vanilla extract and one cup of water in a trigger-spray bottle and mist yourself with the fragrant solution. Vanilla keeps mosquitoes away.

Dr. Teal's Epsom Salt
To relieve the inflammation caused by poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac, dissolve two tablespoons Dr. Teal's epsom salt in one cup water, saturate a washcloth with the solution, and place the damp cloth over the affected area.

To remove the resin from poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac from your skin immediately to prevent or minimize a reaction, pour Smirnoff vodka over the affected area. The alcohol disperses the urushiol and removed it from the skin.

Monday, July 22, 2013

10 Tips for Creating an Alkaline-Acid Balance

I wanted to follow up my last blog with some suggestions on how to create the balance of Alkaline-Acid balance. Here is a nice easy article to read that gives you some wonderful ideas. I have included the link to the original posting and there is another link at the bottom for the full related articles

10 Tips for Creating an Alkaline-Acid Balance

Article by:

10 Tips for Creating an Alkaline-Acid Balance 
In my quest for health, the most important thing I learned, in 1996, was the principle of creating a pH balance in my own body. This helped me regain my health more than any other food regime in my entire 39 years of looking for answers.

Doing this one simple thing will solve many of your nutritional worries. What you eat and how you live affects your acid alkaline balance. Here are 10 tips to create that balance in your body.

1.   Eat lots of powerfood fruits and vegetables.
This is the one thing you can do that can make all the difference by helping balance out the body.

  • Keep vegetables cut up in the fridge and have a big bowl of colorful fruit on your counter to snack on.
  • Eat salad with your lunch and dinner; keep a salad made up in advance with all of the greens in it minus salad dressing, cucumbers and tomatoes, which you can add later.
2.    Eat 80 percent alkaline foods, 20 percent acid foods by volume daily.

3.   Chew your food well.
 Saliva is alkaline and you can produce two gallons a day!

4.   Drink 2-3 liters of pure water (not tap) per day.
Water alone can make all of the difference as many people are dehydrated keeping in all of the toxins which 
are acidic.

5. Bodies function better with more oxygen. Breathe for more energy.
This will also help move the acids out of your body.  Learn to breathe deeply into your abdomen. The best place to do this is in a yoga class. So that you can concentrate on your breathing with no distractions, lay down on your bed and breathe into your abdomen deeply and gently. Practice doing this every day till you are doing it naturally all day every day.

6.   Avoid junk food as it is filled with artificial sweeteners, preservatives, artificial chemical substances and food coloring, which are all highly acid-forming.
Additionally, your body must work very hard in an effort to cleanse these toxins out.
7.   Find ways to create relaxation in your body and being.
Listen to the birds or relaxing music, meditate, walk in nature…do whatever it is that creates relaxation in you.
8.   Live in the light of the day.
We need sunlight. Go for walks, open your curtains and go to bed early enough to get up when the sun does.
9.   Get enough sleep as insufficient sleep causes the body and mind to be overworked and unhappy.

10.   Just because a food is acid-forming does not mean that it is bad!
It is not at all about excluding an entire family of foods or any foods – it is all about creating balance.
Alkalize your body with: Lemon Water (AKA Sugar-Free Lemon Aid)

This article is portion of a larger post called Balancing Your Body – with Acid/Alkaline Balance. See 10 Benefits of a Properly Alkalized Body.

Understanding Alkaline-Acid Balance

I receive tweets from A.R.E, Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment, and this blog topic was a post from their blog. I felt I need to post it since I have come across people who don't understand the importance of balancing the chemistry within the body and when it's unbalanced how it can affect you. With a lot of the food today, Alkaline and Acid unbalance is vary common but people are not educated on what this means or how to handle it. This blog article was a nice source of information that I think will help you start to understand what this topic is about and how YOU can change it. 
A side note; This article has a lot of references to Edgar Cayce's readings and is a bit wordy

Understanding Alkaline-Acid Balance

By Genevieve M. Haller, DC
Excerpt from the Circulating File “Acidity-Alkalinity”

Any discourse on the subject of the alkaline-acid balance can be either relatively simple or endlessly complicated. This ranges from the simple advice of eating foods that are “20 percent acid-producing to 80 percent alkaline-producing” in order to keep an equilibrium in the body, as indicated in the Edgar Cayce readings, (540-11) to the opinion presently held by some physicians that alkaline-acid imbalance may be associated with degenerative disease.
heartfruitvegesPrimarily, the condition of our blood must always be slightly alkaline, and a pH of 7.4 is considered normal. (pH is the symbol used in expressing hydrogen ion concentration. pH 7 is the neutral point. Above 7 alkalinity increases; below 7 acidity increases.) Any significant variation from this can spell death, so it is necessary for the body to keep the blood at this level in spite of the combinations of food we eat, the condition of our nervous system, and habit patterns and local environment to which the body is exposed. However, there are various tissues and organs of the body that vary in pH, and it seems they go through continually alternating cycles from acid to alkaline in order for the body to maintain the proper pH of the blood. Consequently, some body tissues and fluids can be checked easily via secretions of saliva or urine in measuring alkaline-acid balances.

Dr. George Crile, in his book, A Bipolar Theory of Living Processes, explains that when cells from the liver and brain were stained, the nucleus stained acid, while the cytoplasm around the nucleus stained alkaline. In other words, a healthy cell is composed of a proper relationship between acid and alkaline; if it becomes too acid or too alkaline, it dies. In exhaustion and death, or lack of sleep, the differential stainability of the cells is decreased, or disappears. Thus, in a sense, death is associated with loss of the alkaline-acid balance within the individual cells of the organism.

All life is composed of this duality, which must have started with creation itself, and with the solar systems attracting and repelling each other on the basis of positive and negative electrical charges. As the Chinese might say, everything is “Yin or Yang,” positive or negative, masculine or feminine, day or night; and these are the creative forces that produce life itself. Dr. Crile says the brain, as the positive pole, sends out energy to various parts of the body, which are negative, but which step up energy to positive and thus send impulses back to the brain. There are various positive-negative relationships between organs; and most significantly from the Edgar Cayce readings we are told:
In the body we have two poles acting to the living body, the kidneys and the liver; the active principles are the same as two poles of electricity in the body, those which give life to the body. The liver is the stronger, excretive and secretive. The kidneys secreting, taking from the system the impurities. That is the use of these organs. (4909-1)
When there is an incoordination between these organs there is a disease potential. The human body is a bi-polar electro-chemical mechanism, in which the individual cells keep the flame of life burning. This continual energy conversion (oxidation) supplies the electricity which is the vital force of the organism.

Recommendations for Keeping Balance 

A normal diet is about twenty percent acid to eighty percent alkaline-producing. (1523-3) 
From the Edgar Cayce readings, and the consensus of many nutritionists, this is good advice. Dr. Bernard Jensen (nutritionist and owner of Hidden Valley Health Ranch, Escondido, Calif.) often suggests that four vegetables, two fruits, one protein, and one starch daily will provide this percentage.

The next question might be, What are acid foods, or alkaline foods? Unfortunately, foods do not react in the body as they do in a test tube, so, in reality, it is not always the foods eaten that determine the alkalinity or acidity, but what the body does with them. For example, when citrus fruits containing citric acid are oxidized in the body, they react as alkaline producers rather than acid. Even the tomato is non-acid forming (584-5). Yet dried prunes, plums, cranberries, and canned pineapple are acid-forming in the body according to Dr. George Wilson. He also notes that oatmeal, rice and whole wheat (alkaline foods) are oxidized by the body into acids. However, the acid of vinegar and hydrochloric acid are considered end products, and are not changed by the body.

Involved in this creation of acids and alkalines in the body, is the process of electrolytic combustion or oxidation, which, Dr. Wilson explains, takes place in the intercellular fluids. Its purpose is to burn up poisons, which may come from starches, sweets, fats and proteins that have been incompletely digested. Passing into the bloodstream, they become a part of the intercellular fluids. In such a state they clog intercellular spaces and cause stases, the forerunner of disease.

Information on checking the pH balance of the body was provided in the readings:

A general activity for a body in much of a normal condition is to keep the acidity and the alkalinity in a proper balance. The best manner to indicate this is to test the alkalinity or acidity of the body through the salivary gland membranes, or by taking litmus paper in the mouth. This also may be indicated through the urine. (540-11)
Suggestions to overcome over-acidity were provided in the readings as well:
Whenever there is disturbance with this, if it is in the glands themselves (salivary...and you checked with litmus and found an color), then take citrocarbonate, that is, if it is indicated in the salivary glands that there is an acidity, then take a small quality of citrocarbonate. If the acidity is indicated through the kidneys, or from the urine itself, then drink a little of the carbonated waters, (sodium carbonate, being alkaline) as would be indicated with Coca-Cola—but that which is bottled is the better, [In general, the readings strongly recommend the cola syrup with plain water] or use a little of the Watermelon Seed Tea (alkaline).  (540-11)
For additional information, see the Cayce Health Database on the Basic Cayce Diet .
Genevieve Haller, DC, (deceased) is former Director of Chiropractic Research for A.R.E. She served on the Board of Trustees and participated in many conferences. This article was excerpted from the April-June 2013 issue of Venture Inward our member magazine and is in the Circulating File “Acidity-Alkalinity,” available to members at

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Something to Know ~ 11 Banned ingredients we still eat in the U.S.

I saw this article and just had to share this. This is copy and pasted from the internet
I find the ending of the article interesting but not comforting. "Monitoring and extensive science-based process"? So does this mean they are testing on human subjects called the public?
Sounds fishy to me

11 Banned ingredients we still eat in the U.S.
We sure do love unhealthy food in the U.S. Eleven ingredients considered unhealthy and dangerous are banned in countries around the world. But not in the U.S. In fact, those ingredients are found in food and drink that Americans consume regularly, according to ABC News.
The banned ingredients include:

 1. Blue #1 food coloring
2. Blue # 2 food coloring
3. Yellow # 5 food coloring
4. Yellow # 6 food coloring
5. Red #40 food coloring
6. Brominated vegetable oil (found in sodas)
7. Bromated flour (used in baking)
8. Olean (found in potato chips)
9. Preservatives butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)
10. Growth hormones rBGH and rBST (found in dairy products)
11. Arsenic found in chicken feed

 Food manufacturers aren't necessarily including these ingredients in their products because they want to poison people. The ingredients might be a part of a product's original formula or the manufacturers just might not know that they are there or that they are harmful, according to Mira Calton, a licensed certified nutritionist and co-author of Rich Food, Poor Food: The Ultimate Grocery Purchasing System.

 The Food and Drug Administration assures the public that it is monitoring the safety of these ingredients and the products that contain them with an "extensive, science-based process."

Welcome to State of Being Wellness' Blog

Hello to everyone

I have been getting a constant message from spirit to start a blog page and share articles and topics of a spiritual nature that helps you to grow and expand your senses to achieve that conscious connection to yourself and Source.

I encourage people to leave comments and share what you find here. It's about communication and sharing. Information is just as valuable.

I look forward to hear what you all have to say.

Well here we go...............