Monday, December 30, 2013

Don't let bitterness take root

It has been a funny journey these last few weeks. 

So much hustle and bustle with the holiday season, dealing with other people and their energy of rushing around, frustration, and deadlines. It has been overwhelming. But now that you have the chance to take a breath, slow down, be still and release. I know that the New Year is just a day and a half away but let yourself relax for just a moment. 

Go out, alone, have a cup of tea/coffee or a meal, just you, and think of nothing. Just let yourself have a quiet moment alone for just a couple hours or at least just 1 hour. Then as you come away from that moment, carry an energy of peace and calm with you. Don't allow yourself to get caught up in the bitterness of others. Don't let this energy take root, again. Understand and know that as you hustled and bustled with everyone else, you were picking up on their energy and carrying it as your own. Release this energy out to the universe  and let it be. 

You don't need to be an empath to get caught up in another person's energy, its what we can do as a human being. With these alone times, this is how you can keep a grounded energy and understand that you are in the effect of others. The alone time allows us to "see" what we have been doing, clearly and  understand that we need to either slow down and/or release this energy back to the person or the universe. 

Bitterness causes us to see everything with bitter eyes and react with bitter reactions. If you start to say things with a bitterness, spite or anger, you have let bitterness root within you and take control. 

To release this bitterness, you need to let it go and move past it. You are not the bringer of justice and if you are waiting for this, you will be waiting for a long time and relearning a lesson that should have been released a long time ago.

Say to yourself, "I turn this over to God/Goddess, Source and Universe. I know I am healthy. I know I am loved. I know I am watched over and I know I am protected. I know I am guided."

Whatever the situation or event that may have happened to cause this bitterness, or the energy you have contracted from a passerby, know you need to release it and move past it to succeed. 

I know you have been told or learned from someone that if you hold onto anger or bitterness it only keeps you from moving forward. This is true. So if you find yourself in a whirlwind of negative thoughts and actions, take a moment to check in with yourself, take that time out, and allow yourself to release it and move past it.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Traits of an Empath ~ What is an Empath

During my sessions with people, I have discovered that many people are empathic and can't account for their illnesses, emotions or unexplained habits. I found an article that had some valid information about Empathic people and their traits. I broke it down from the original wordy article for a better reading experience.

What is an Empath?

Being empathic is when you are affected by another person's energy and have an innate ability to intuitively feel and perceive others. Your life is unconsciously influenced by others' desires, wishes, thoughts and mood. Being empathic is much more than being highly sensitive and its not just limited to emotions.

Empaths can perceive physical sensitivities and spiritual urges, as well as just knowing the motivations and intentions of other people. You either are and empath or you aren't. It's not a trait that is learned. You are always open to process others' feelings and energy, which means that you really feel, and in some cases, take on the emotions of others. Many empath experience things like chronic fatigue, environmental sensitivities or unexplained aches and pains, daily. These are all things that are more likely to be contributed to outside influences and not so much yourself. Essentially you are walking around in this world with all of the accumulated karma, emotions and energy of others.

What are some traits of the Empath

1. A top trait is Being in public places can be overwhelming: Places like shopping malls, supermarkets, amusement parks or stadiums where there are lots of people around can fill the empath with turbulently vexed emotions that are coming from others

2. Feeling others emotions and taking them on as your own: This is a huge one for empaths. To some they will feel emotions off those near by and with others they will feel emotions from those a vast distance away, or both. The more adept empath will know if someone is having bad thoughts about them, even from great distance.

3. Picking up physical symptoms off another: An empath will almost always develop the ailments off another (colds, eye infections, body aches and pains) especially those they’re closest to, somewhat like sympathy pains.

4. Digestive disorders and lower back problems: The solar plexus chakra is based in the center of the abdomen and it’s known as the seat of emotions. This is where empaths feel the incoming emotion of another, which can weaken the area and eventually lead to anything from stomach ulcers to IBS (too many other conditions to list here). Lower back problems can develop from being ungrounded (amongst other things) and one, who has no knowledge of them being an empath, will almost always be ungrounded.

5. Others will want to offload their problems on you, even strangers: An empath can become a dumping ground for everyone else’s issues and problems, which, if they’re not careful, can end up as their own.

6. Constant fatigue: Empaths often get drained of energy, either from energy vampires or just taking on too much from others, which even sleep will not cure. Many get diagnosed with ME

7. Need for solitude: An empath will go stir-crazy if they don’t get quiet time. This is even obvious in empathic children.

8. Finds routine, rules or control, imprisoning: Anything that takes away their freedom is debilitating to an empath even poisoning.

9. Prone to carry weight without necessarily overeating: The excess weight is a form of protection to stop the negative incoming energies having as much impact.

10. Empaths are often quiet achievers. They can take a while to handle a compliment for they're more inclined to point out anothers' positive attributes.

11. You will find empaths working with people, animals or nature with a true passion and dedication to help them. They are often tireless teachers and/or caretakers for our environment and all within it. Many volunteers are empathic and give up personal time to help others without pay and/or recognition. 

Things to know and look out for:
Empaths have a tendency to openly feel what is outside of them more so than what is inside of themselves. This can cause empaths to ignore their own needs. In general an empath is non-violent, non-aggressive and leans more towards being the peacemaker. Any area filled with disharmony creates an uncomfortable feeling in an empath. If they find themselves in the middle of a confrontation, they will endeavor to settle the situation as quickly as possible, if not avoid it all together.

Talking things out is a major factor in releasing emotions in the learning empath. Empaths can develop an even stronger degree of understanding so that they can find peace in most situations. The downside is that empaths may bottle up emotions and build barriers sky-high so as to not let others know of their innermost thoughts and/or feelings. This withholding of emotional expression can be a direct result of a traumatic experience, and expressionless upbringing or simply being told as a child, "Children are meant to be seen and not heard!" So please allow yourself to be heard and express

Empaths are sensitive to TV. videos, movies, news and broadcasts. Violence or emotional dramas depicting shocking scenes of physical or emotional pain inflicted on adults, children or animals can bring an empath easily to tears. Some empaths will struggle to comprehend any such cruelty and may have grave difficulty in expressing themselves in the face of anothers' ignorance, closed-mindedness and obvious lack of compassion. They simply cannot justify the suffering they feel and see.

Empaths may be excellent storytellers due to and endless imagination, inquisitive minds and ever expanding knowledge. They can be old romantics at heart and very gentle. They may also be the "keepers" of ancestral knowledge and family history. If not the obvious family historians, they may be the ones who listen to the stories passed down and possess the majority or the family history. Not surprisingly, they may have started or possess a family tree. 

They have a broad interest in music to suit their many expressive temperaments and others can query how empaths can listen to one style of music, and withing minutes, change to something entirely different. Lyrics within a song can have adverse, powerful effects on empaths, especially if it is relevant to a recent experience. In these moments, its is advisable for empaths to listen to music without lyrics, to avoid playing havoc with their emotions! 

Empaths can become lost in the music, to the point of being in a trance-like state; they become one with the music through the expression of their physical bodies. They describe this feeling as a time when all else around them is almost non-existent.

They can be outgoing, bubbly , enthusiastic and a joy to be in the presence of, as well as highly humorous at the most unusual moments. On the flip side, empaths can be weighted with mood swings that will have others around them wanting to jump overboard and abandon ship. The thoughts and feelings empaths receive from any and all in their life can be so overwhelming (if not understood) that their moods can fluctuate with lightning speed. One moment they may be delightfully happy and the next miserable.

Abandoning an empath in the throes of alternating moods can create detrimental effects. A simple return of empathic love such as listening and caring compassionately without bias, judgement and/or condemnation, can go an incredibly long way to an empath's instant recovery. 

Many empaths don't understand what is occurring within them. They literally have no idea that they are feeling the emotions of another and taking it as their own and are not being reflected outwardly. They are confused as to how one moment all was well and then the next, they feel depressed, alone, etc. The need to understand this empathic connection is a vital part of the empaths journey for themselves and for those around them.

Empaths frequently experience deja vu and synchronicity. What may initially start as, "Oh what a coincidence" will lead to the understanding of this is part of who they are. These synchronicities will become a welcomed and continually expanding occurrence. As the empath grows, the synchronicities become more fluent and free flowing. The experience can promote a feeling of euphoria as the empath identifies with them and appreciates the connection to their empathic nature.

Empaths are most likely to have had varying paranormal experiences throughout their lives. Some experiences such as seeing spirits, out of body experiences (OBE's) or a near death experience (NDE's). These types of experiences can be life-altering and are most assuredly just as intensely memorable in the years to come. They are the voice of guidance encouraging you to pursue the journey in awareness. 

For some empaths, the lack of outside understanding toward paranormal events they experience may lead to suppressing such abilities. Those who get caught up in life, in society's often dictating ways, such as work, can become lost in a mechanical way of living that provided very little meaning. All "signs of guidance" are ignored to shift out of this state of "mundane doing". A path to being whole again becomes evident and a search for more meaning in one's life begins.